The healing power of your breathing!

In upcoming blogs, I want to take you into the world of transformational coaching methods I work with. This time part II of Healing Breath; the mental level on which breath work has an effect.

The Healing Power of Healing Breath (HB).

In a world where our heads are often working overtime, we are rarely aware of how our breathing affects our mental state. Many people experience a constant stream of thoughts, worries and anxieties that interfere with their peace of mind. HB offers a powerful, natural method to relieve this mental pressure. In this blog, we will discuss how this breathing technique works on the mental level and how it can help you find more peace, clarity and focus.Much inspiration and enjoy reading!

Breath – a fundamental aspect of our existence that is often overlooked when it comes to our health and well-being. But what if I told you that there is a powerful breathing technique that not only changes the way you breathe, but transforms your life? This is where Healing Breath (HB) comes in – a simple yet profound method that unleashes the healing power of your own breath. For 23 years I have practiced this method myself and use it as an important tool during coaching sessions. This time I would like to focus a little more on the mental aspect and the influence of breathing. The other aspects on which our breathing has an effect, emotional and spiritual, I will discuss in the following blogs. In the first blog on HB, I discuss the physical benefits of breathwork.

There is a strong neurological link between our breathing and the state of our mind.

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Our brain never stands still. HB brings calm and focus to the volume of thoughts.

What is Healing Breath?

HB is a form of breathing therapy that uses conscious, connected breathing to release mental, emotional and physical blockages. It is more than simply deep breathing; it is a transformative process that helps you release limiting beliefs and stressful thoughts. By breathing in a certain way, you can influence the neural connections in your brain, thereby improving your mental health.

Mental Beliefs and Patterns

Throughout our lives, we develop certain beliefs and thought patterns. Some of these are positive, but many can limit us. These limiting beliefs – such as “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never succeed” – often stem from past experiences and are a major source of mental tension and stress.

HB works directly on the mental level. Conscious connected breathing brings these patterns to the surface and creates space to release them. This process is supported by positive affirmations and intentions, which help you turn limiting beliefs into constructive and positive thoughts. The breath opens the door, so to speak, to your subconscious, where many of these mental blocks are located.

The Brain and Breathing: A Direct Link

There is a strong neurological link between our breathing and the state of our mind. When you are stressed, your breathing becomes shallow and rapid, which activates the sympathetic nervous system (the “fight or flight” response). This keeps the brain in a constant state of readiness, which maintains mental tension and excessive brooding thoughts.

HB works by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and recovery. When you breathe in a deeper, conscious way, this part of the nervous system is stimulated, creating a calming effect on your mind. As a result, you experience less stress and anxiety, and space is created for mental clarity and creative thinking.

Mental Clarity and Focus

Many people who practice HB find that their thoughts become less chaotic and they experience more mental clarity. This is because breathing helps to “reset” the brain. Deep, connected breathing allows your brain to receive more oxygen, which improves brain function. This helps improve your concentration, focus and problem-solving abilities.

In addition, HB helps to shift attention from thoughts to the body. Instead of getting stuck in a maelstrom of thoughts, you learn how to ground yourself in the here and now. This has a profound effect on how you deal with stressful situations and makes you less likely to get carried away by negative streams of thought.

Releasing Stress and Fear

One of the main benefits of HB on a mental level is the reduction of stress and anxiety. Stressful thoughts can get stuck in the body and breathing can provide a way out of this. The connected breathing technique acts as a bridge between body and mind, releasing stuck tension in the body and reducing mental stress.

By breathing regularly with HB, you train your brain to be less reactive to stressors. This means you are less likely to fall into a negative spiral of stressful thoughts in the future. Instead, you can respond to challenges with more calmness and resilience, which has a huge impact on your overall mental well-being.

From Contemplation to Presence

A common problem in our modern society is overthinking. We often get stuck in the past or worry about the future, leading to a sense of restlessness and mental exhaustion. As a result, we are not in the moment, here and now. HB helps you break out of this pattern of overthinking by bringing you into the moment. The technique promotes mindfulness by bringing attention to the breath, which helps you to be present in the here and now.

By living more in the moment, you experience less mental noise and your mind becomes calmer. This not only increases your mental clarity, but also makes you more aware and fulfilled in life.


HB is a powerful method that works directly on the mental level. It helps you release limiting thoughts and beliefs, calm your stress response and find more clarity and focus in your daily life. By using your breath as a tool, you can reduce mental noise and experience a deeper state of calm and presence.

Whether you struggle with stress, brooding thoughts or simply want to create more mental space, HB offers a natural and effective way to calm your mind and improve your mental well-being.

In the next blog, I will elaborate on how HB works on the emotional level. In the previous blog, you can read about how HB has an effect on the physical level. Click HERE to go to the physical level blog.

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